Art Class Perspective
Even though a student is new to art, in a busy class they are exposed to a lot of different information, and demonstrations for a variety of techniques and subjects. They will be introduced to possibilities they never knew existed. In such an enriched environment where there is so much going on, they can choose what is most appealing and focus on that. Their brain will be filled with new ideas. They will learn to be more observant. They will learn how to look underneath complicated detail to find simple basic patterns. They will learn to recognize basic concepts after seeing them applied in so many different ways, and that will open many doors, in academics as well as in art, and even in life in general. They are doing so much more than just making a painting when they are in class - the most valuable lessons will not be revealed by the painting alone.

“Drawing with a brush to block in basic shapes and develop a background.” This painting created as a live demonstration during class.
Don't underestimate your child’s intelligence or abilities, even of a
very young child. They are better learners than adults. After all, they
figured out language by themselves, including the meaning of abstract words, and complex word patterns used to build sentences, and conjugations of even irregular verbs. Young children learn at a much faster rate than older students, because the young brain is more plastic and more capable of absorbing information. Just give them a little time to absorb as much as they can, and you will be amazed at the rate of growth. Let them jump into the pool so they can learn to swim. If you expect little, you will get little. Your child will live up to (or down to) your expectations, because pleasing you is their primary motivation.
I give the young kids all the same information as the older ones, even the adults. They just use it differently. They don't need to be patronized. They are able to handle complicated information, as long as there is an orderly sequence of steps to focus their attention as they work through the different stages of their projects.
Students learn how to evaluate a mass of data, identify the fundamental issues, and plan strategy. They learn traditional drawing and watercolor techniques, all demonstrated, with ample time for their own practice. They develop new ways of seeing and thinking as their ideas are applied to the creation of a work of art. They are always excited with the results.
I really enjoy mixing the ages of the kids in each class. They younger ones get encouragement and support from the older ones, and sometimes it works the other way around as well. They treat each other as equals, which I am sure is a new experience for most of the little ones. We are all there to share interesting ideas, we always have a really good time, and it always seems like the class is over too soon.
The students enjoy coming, and are generally not aware of how much they are actually learning. The approach is very relaxed, even though the content is structured. They are given a lot of freedom to be creative, but once their interests become apparent, they are directed to make more effective use of their ideas. Usually that results in an entirely new approach.