Goal of Education
The goal of all education should be “Developing analytical skills and learning how to think!”
When a child learns how to concentrate deeply, intensely, and with great commitment on a single focused chosen goal, they are often astonished at the outcome. They discover that they are able to do more than they ever imagined.
I want my students to learn to problem solve independently, and that means I need to help them learn how to think for themselves, and not just wait for me to do all of the thinking for them. Together we have to break a lot of old habits.
They need to learn how to:
Set ambitious goals, and trust in their own ability to get there!
Break difficult problems into components, and figure out the best sequence of steps to proceed:
Develop their Perceptive Analysis skills to help them See and Think with more subtlety!
Lose their fear of making mistakes, which are the stepping stones to progress;
Discover their own preferences, and allow their own personality to be expressed in their art (they do not have to routinely copy a sample image though I will teach them how to copy anything, if that is what they want.
Recognize problem issues as early as possible.
They also have to:
Be encouraged to review what they already know (to see if they can figure out a solution independently – this will not happen if they are given answers too quickly);
Be guided in new techniques and concepts as needed;
Receive an extensive demonstration to show a detailed sequence of steps, as needed;
Have time to try the same steps on their own art work;
Have time to step back frequently to evaluate their own progress;
Allow time to make improvements as desired.
In the process of making an image, we also talk about:
Design and composition;
Drawing techniques – sequence of ideas (biggest shapes first);
Color mixing theory;
A system for controlling the mixing of colors;
Art history – famous artists who worked on similar problems, and how they solved them (hundreds of books in the studio);
And a lot more – They can do more than they ever imagined, so don’t be afraid to Dream Big! And then try to make it happen.
There is a lot more benefit to art education than just making pictures.
- Diane Wallace